Sriver EL (Butterfly)User rating
out of 5
8 user reviews
0 forum posts Butterfly proudly introduces the newest member of the SRIVER family, SRIVER-EL (ELastic). The latest genre combines SRIVER's top sheet with a medium-soft elastic sponge that until recently had been specially selected only for our leading world ranked players. Do you prefer a hard or soft sponge? If you like a hard sponge, then you can choose the "normal" SRIVER. If you prefer a soft one, then SRIVER-FX is ideal for your play. But, if your requirement is in between the two (and this is where most of the top players are placed) then we recommend the new SRIVER-EL. Speed: 100
Average user rating from: 8 users
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful
Monday, 02 February 2009
Written by elmo51 - Top 5 reviewer - View all my reviews It has good speed and enough control,It has a great feeling and control when playing touch shots,Blocking is very good with this rubber to. over the table spin is okay but not to much.Hitting is very good but may lack some speed. This rubber would fit a backhand best i think but it could also be used on the forehand, its a pretty alround rubber from butterfly just like most of the sriver family. 1 of 1 people found the following review helpful
Monday, 22 September 2008
Written by jonyer1980 - Top 10 reviewer - View all my reviews 3 of 3 people found the following review helpful
Wednesday, 16 July 2008
Written by jkillashark - Top 50 reviewer - View all my reviews |