Waldner Black Devil CB (Donic)User rating
out of 5
6 user reviews
0 forum posts The "Champion's" new blade. A revolutionary design. The exuberant playing style of the master is complemented by the advanced technology of this weapon. Carbon and Balsa have been combined by DONIC for the first time. The soft Balsa core results in a blade with unbelievably good control, particularly when returning the ball. Incredible power and speed can be achieved with the hard Koto middle plies and carbon fibre of the DONIC Waldner Black Devil CB. The light weight and enlarged sweet spot of the 7-ply high-tech product attains perfection. Waldner's "black devil" will delight all attacking players! Blade Head size: 150 mm W and 151 mm H
Average user rating from: 6 users
3 of 4 people found the following review helpful
Wednesday, 24 December 2008
Written by t3h anarchist - #1 reviewer - View all my reviews although the blade is 7 ply, the blade is relatively thin and lightweight. also, the wood is not as hard as its supposed to be, so although you can make some pretty fast shots, you do not feel a solid contact. this is the main reason why i do not like this blade too much. it seems as though it is a defensive blade with added carbon to make it faster, which makes the feeling really weird. this is similar to stigas optimum sync blade. |