A tackier version of Hammond, this fast rubber is often used by World #1 Wang Liqin on his Stiga Offensive Classic. Nearly all rubbers are made up of a combination of natural rubber and synthetic rubber. Usually most of the mix is natural rubber (probably around 60%). Nittaku Hammond Pro Alpha is the exception. 60% of the Hammond Pro Alpha is synthetic rubber, the inverse of normal rubbers. The theory behind this is increased durability and speed since synthetic rubber can be made thicker than natural rubber. Most sponges on rubbers are exactly that; just sponge. On the Hammond Pro Alpha, the sponge is comprised of 50% synthetic rubber, thus adding more propulsion and speed to the rubber layer.
Great speed, very elastic. Surprisingly does not react much to speed glue. The surface is very smooth and not very grippy, which is somewhat hard to control on the attack, but blocks incredibly well.