Great site 16 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 0
Hi Daniel,
Great site, i'm going to bookmark it in case in the future I go back to table tennis again. The equipment review layout and system is already great. I like how it is community based and I love how there is a ranking in each of the categories or attributes of the product in question. Once your site gets even more known and more reviews, it'll be one of the better sites out there. The only possible improvement I can possibly think of is maybe put the comprehensive review first followed by the lesser comprehensive reviews. Because some of the other sites have comprehensive reviews. But besides that, your review layout and community system is fantastic.
btw, this is Andrew. I'll see you in Woodlands sometime.
Fresh Boarder
Posts: 1
Re:Great site 16 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 2
Hi Andrew,
Thanks very much for your comments! You're right, once there are more reviews for each product, it will make sense to put the most comprehensive ones first, rather than reverse date order as it is now.
Hope to see you at Woodlands!